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Responsible supply chain

Statkraft力图确保负责任的商业行为,避免购买对人们有不利影响的商品, society and the environment. Our Supplier Code of Conduct sets out the requirements for our business partners, and we follow up our suppliers through contract obligations.

Our approach to sustainable procurement

Statkraft is committed to sustainable and responsible business practices, and this commitment extends to our suppliers. 十大靠谱网赌的采购活动以《十大靠谱网赌》和《十大靠谱网赌》为指导. We organise our procurement activities to obtain the best possible value, terms and conditions, and avoid adverse impacts to people, society, and the environment in our supply chains.

To improve sustainability at all levels in the supply chain, we believe that cooperation with our suppliers is necessary. 


Our ambition is to procure from suppliers that demonstrate respect for people, society, and the environment.


Each year, Statkraft purchases from approximately 13 000 suppliers world-wide. Procurement is handled by more than 130 procurement professionals, in different purchasing streams, located in twelve countries. Their day-to-day work is supported by the Sustainable Supply Chain unit in Group Procurement.

Our Supplier Code of Conduct is part of all contracts; it prohibits unethical and illegal business practices, and requires our suppliers to respect fundamental human rights and labour rights, health and safety standards, the environment, and privacy.

国家统计局的采购政策要求组织采购活动以“避免对人产生不利影响”, society and the environment”. 该政策得到了一些要求的支持,这些要求确保以与财务和运营风险相同的方式评估潜在影响. Our standard contract models include sustainability obligations. We integrate obligations in tender documents, 对潜在供应商的评估(作为资格标准的一部分)是关于他们如何尊重人权和劳工权利.

When we discover an adverse impact linked to our purchases, we engage in dialogue with the supplier to stop and rectify the situation. Where impacts cannot be rectified, 十大靠谱网赌与供应商合作,使补救措施与不利影响的重要性和规模成比例.

Key risks

Statkraft acknowledges that we cannot handle all potential adverse impacts in our supply chain. Risks have therefore been prioritised based on severity and likelihood, and the prioritised risks are described in further detail below

国家电力公司的大部分采购活动都与购买发电和建设发电厂所需的设备直接相关. 已经确定了与水电设备相关的供应链中具体的可持续性风险, wind turbines, solar panels and batteries and transport to, and work at Statkraft’s sites.

十大靠谱网赌通过在投标阶段解决问题和在合同条件中纳入缓解措施来处理风险. We work to develop, implement, and track measures.

Potential risks of breach of human and labour rights in the supply chain for hydropower


水电发电的机电设备通常是根据电厂的生产能力量身定做的. The supply chain is long and varied, and Statkraft has limited transparency into the lower tiers. Statkraft’s suppliers usually purchase material and components from sub-suppliers, that manufacture and assemble equipment at their sites. 

The primary materials used in all electromechanical equipment are steel, followed by copper and aluminium. Approx. 控制系统中50%的部件含有一种或多种经常被称为“冲突矿物”的矿物。. 为了尽量减少从冲突地区采购的风险,2022年对合同义务进行了修订.

In addition, 存在违反劳工权利的风险,例如次级供应商车间(粗加工和焊接车间)的恶劣工作条件和不平等。.

Potential risks of breach of human and labour rights in the supply chain for wind power equipment

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The main components in wind turbines are rotor blades, rotor hubs, nacelles, and towers. 供应链很长,Statkraft的供应商从各种子供应商那里购买标准和制造的组件. 玻璃纤维增强塑料(GRP)是转子叶片的主要部件,构成了转子和轮毂的很大一部分. Statkraft评估说,与生产玻璃钢部件有关的强迫劳动和歧视妇女的风险. 



The main components for solar are photovoltaic (PV) panels, with polysilicon as the key input material, and inverters. Statkraft is aware of the risk of forced labour in the solar supply chain. Statkraft强烈反对使用强迫劳动,十大靠谱网赌已经采取措施,通过可追溯性义务和审计权来解决风险. 未来的合同将授予那些从工厂提供太阳能组件材料的供应商,这些工厂的强迫劳动风险有限, who act transparently and allow insight into their supply chain.

Statkraft has run tender processes for framework agreements for solar equipment, e.g. PV panels and inverters. 尽职调查结果表明,一些潜在的一级供应商存在侵犯人权的风险. 这些发现已与公司管理层进行了讨论,并已承诺采取短期和长期措施来应对潜在风险.

解决供应链中与强迫劳动相关的风险是复杂的,个别公司的努力很重要,但不足以解决这些挑战. Therefore, Statkraft also works with industry associations and peers to raise awareness, increase transparency, and improve industry standards for PV panels and other solar equipment.

The main components of BESS are inverters, batteries, transformers, protection devices, cooling systems and control systems. 供应链很长,Statkraft的供应商从各种子供应商那里购买标准和制造的组件. BESS组件可能含有稀有金属和矿物,这些金属和矿物可能来自冲突地区. Statkraft正在分析风险并建立一个流程,以确保与太阳能组件相同的方式实现可追溯性. 

Other potential risks of breach of human and labour rights in our supply chains

The supply chain for business consulting and engineering work is short, and work is usually performed in countries where Statkraft is located. Statkraft considers the risk of human and labour rights breaches to be low. 

Statkraft承认,在货物运输和某些间接材料和服务方面,存在与劳动条件有关的潜在风险. In 2022, 挪威国家航空公司审查了清洁服务合同,并建立了在挪威购买清洁服务的新合同模式. Over the last few years, 国家电力公司系统地努力减少发电厂运行中使用的有害化学物质和油类的数量, and in 2023, we will assess risks related to chemicals used for cleaning.

Risks related to business ethics (e.g. risk of fraud and corruption) are still under pressure, and we are working to mitigate them through awareness. 十大靠谱网赌重新制定了防止采购欺诈的制度,以提高对风险的认识,十大靠谱网赌正在努力改进控制功能.

Supplier Code of Conduct

The basis for our supply chain management is our Supplier Code of Conduct, which covers health and safety, environment and climate, human rights, labour rights, and business ethics. Statkraft’s suppliers must meet the requirements set out in this document, which are designed to reflect our commitment to a responsible business conduct.

作为采购过程的一部分,招标合同的公司被告知《十大靠谱网赌》中的要求. 《十大靠谱网赌》和赋予Statkraft监督供应商绩效权利的合同条款构成了所有合同的一部分.

Inspections and reviews

In order to drive improvement in supplier performance, we undertake reviews and inspections of our suppliers. 

Strategic supplier due diligence

To operationalise expectations and upcoming legislative requirements, Statkraft has developed a framework and methodology for supply chain due diligence, named Know Your Supplier (“KYS”). This is a practical and operative approach to assess and manage supply chain risk. The framework is developed to assess risk at key suppliers specifically. However, the output of several targeted KYS assessments will inform supply chain risk more generally. 该框架包括对供应商自身运营及其各自供应链的风险评估和管理.

Sustainability rating for global supply chains

Statkraft has partnered with EcoVadis to measure and improve sustainability impacts. In 2022, EcoVadis has been used to assess 13 suppliers of solar equipment, Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS) and wind towers.

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